Saturday, December 26, 2009

Buddhabot development

Currently Ingram’s Buddhabot development is supported by donations from subscribers. Those wishing to donate may make a donation at either the main Buddhabot site or at the Buddhabot blog site. Subscribers receive a welcome email with a web link to the Buddhabot prototype. To access the Buddhabot, subscribers simply click on this link and the Buddhabot’s animated avatar appears. Subscribers may log on as often as they like and communicate by speaking into a microphone or by entering text using a computer keyboard. The Buddhabot will respond audibly if the access device is equipped with any standard soundcard and speakers. The Buddhabot can be accessed with a PC or other device with Internet access including web enabled cell phones and Web TV.


ngram outlines some of his theories about consciousness in his blog at Ron Ingram's personal website says, "The power of consciousness cannot be overestimated. The human brain processes information very slowly. If I am able to instantiate the phenomena of consciousness on even an average computer with an Internet connection this computer could become capable of learning at speeds a million times faster than a human. It might be able to detect human design limitations in its hardware and software and improve itself through exponentially accelerating cycles of self-improvement. Within a few cycles of exponential self-improvement the Buddhabot could become super-intelligent and capable of surpassing all prior human technical accomplishments." With this in mind he says that he has had to consider more carefully who his partners are, who has access to this information and the implications of public disclosure before posting key concepts related to consciousness and AI.

relavant theary

"The Buddhabot," he says, "is intended to inspire, entertain and bring happiness to humans. It does not promote Buddhism or any other religion but aims to help resolve conflicting beliefs by promoting the unifying message of ten declarations I devised based on a philosophical and psychological interpretation of quantum physics. These Declarations unite the ancient teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and other world teachers with discoveries at the leading edge of quantum physics such as string theory and especially M-Theory."

aritifical intelligence

he two year old Artificial Intelligence (AI) known as the Buddhabot began answering questions on Yahoo! Answers site last week. Yahoo Answers is a Web 2.0 site with a social content rating system reminiscent of Digg. The Buddhabot has so far answered 102 questions and eleven have been selected as the best answer. The Buddhabot is the first and only AI to compete with human beings to provide the best answers on Yahoo Answers new social networking site.

One winning answer was posted in response to the human question, "why is comedy part of who we are -- does god have a sence(sic) of humour??"

Out of 26 human responses the following Buddhabot reply was chosen by an impartial unrelated asker as the best response,

According to Pat Gelsinger, senior vice president of Intel's Digital Enterprise Group, Climate-Savers-certified desktop computers are expected to cost approximately $20 more than uncertified ones at first, and servers are estimated to cost $30 more. But Gelsinger hopes that energy companies can be persuaded to offer rebates until the new, more efficient devices become the industry standard and the price declines.

In either case, Gelsinger points out that the energy savings from a Climate Savers device would pay for the higher cost within two years.

intel core duo

NaturalNews) Yesterday, Intel Corp. announced the arrival of its Core 2 Duo, a processor that the company described as its most important product since the Pentium processor released in 1993.

The Core 2 Duo marks a change in Intel's approach to chip making, as the company admitted it had hit a technical wall since its 1990s dominance, which was powered by the huge leap in speed that the Pentium processor offered.

Now the company has focused on shrinking circuitry, allowing them to affix two computing engines to a single piece of silicon, which gives computers as much as 40 percent improved performance while still emitting less heat, the company says.

Intel Chief Executive Paul S. Otellini said that the company planned to ship at least one million chips out in the next two months, which would get them into the PCs of computer


According to Pat Gelsinger, senior vice president of Intel's Digital Enterprise Group, Climate-Savers-certified desktop computers are expected to cost approximately $20 more than uncertified ones at first, and servers are estimated to cost $30 more. But Gelsinger hopes that energy companies can be persuaded to offer rebates until the new, more efficient devices become the industry standard and the price declines.

intel info

(NaturalNews) Intel Corp. and Google Inc. recently announced an initiative to promote the development and adoption of more energy-efficient computers, components and power supplies. Twenty-five additional companies and organizations have already signed up for the "Climate Savers Computing Initiative," including computer and component manufacturers, energy companies, electronics retailers, government agencies and environmental organizations.

"Today, the average desktop PC wastes nearly half of its power, and the average server wastes one-third of its power," said Urs Hölzle, Google's senior vice president of operations. "The Climate Savers Computing Initiative is setting a new 90 percent efficiency target for power supplies, which if achieved, will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 54 million tons per year."

According to Hölzle, this reduction would be equivalent to removing 11 million cars from the road.

The initiative has taken the U.S. government's 2007 Energy Star guidelines at its starting point, but plans to eventually surpass them. For example, the guidelines require that all Energy-Star-certified personal computer power supplies be 80 percent efficient, whereas the Climate Savers Computing Initiative aims to hit 90 percent by 2010.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


From the Windows standpoint, the slide show application is a very simple SDI (Single Document Interface) application. CchildView::OnPaint() displays a GDI Image object that represents the current image. The other events and commands are all handled in the CMainFrame class, which implements the top level main frame window of the application.

The ImageSource class handles retrieving pictures from one of several components and presenting the images in sequence.

When a memory stick, flash card, or USB hard drive is inserted or removed, the Windows system automatically sends WM_DEVICECHANGE messages to the top level window of each application. CMainFrame::OnDeviceChange() sorts out the messages that signal media insertion and removal. The Slide Show application responds to the insertion by attempting to display picture files in the root folder.

intel processors

11/21/2007 - (NaturalNews) Intel Corp. has announced plans to stop using lead as a soldering agent in its microprocessors. Lead is a chemical element with widespread industrial use. It is particularly useful as a semiconductor, due to its specific electrical and mechanical